Pre-Operative Surgery Tips

It is very important to have consultation, this may take one or more visit depending on patient's concerns. It is prudent to ask questions to your surgeon during this time so that you may know all your options and also to be able to know thoroughly what to expect before and after cosmetic surgery procedures . The surgeon will most likely have you undergo diagnostic test to determine your current general health and well being and if you're a physically qualified to undergo the procedure. It is also important to inform the surgeon of any medicines you are presently taking or any allergies as this may affect the result and safety of the procedure and recovery period. This would also be an excellent time to ask the surgeon of any questions and doubts concerning the procedure.
Subsequently, the surgeon will offer pre-operative instruction on what to do and complete before the surgery like fasting and body bath in the morning of surgery. It is crucial to adhere to these instructions down to the last detail and towards the final letter to avoid any complications and risks. It is important to stop taking blood-thinning medicines as this may trigger the risk of excessive bleeding during surgery and may lead to infection and delay healing.
Next, it would be best to quit smoking a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks prior to the surgery. Smoking will hamper the healing process or wound healing.
Facelift Philippines
Lastly, it is best to prepare the house to get a comfortable recovery period. It is best to clean the bedroom and position important items within reach such as medical supplies and medications. However will be best to ask relative or have a private nurse to assist you with your needs during early recuperation. Therefore, it would be best to buy medical supplies in advance. It is best to prepare and store up food within the freezer which can effortlessly be heated and saves the difficulty of food preparation. Undergoing facelift in the Philippines is indeed a major decision and thorough preparation ought to be done to ensure a seamless operation and recovery.
Post-Surgery Tips
Facelift is among the leading 10 surgical procedures carried out within the US. Increasingly more people desire to have a youthful look and determine to undergo this cosmetic process. For those who have decided to undergo this surgery, here are some post-surgery tips for facelift.
After a facelift surgery in the Philippines , it ought to be expected that the patient will experience some swelling, discomfort, pain and bruising. It is best to possess or buy necessary pain medicines prior to surgery and have it on hand. Bruising usually transient and goes away on its own following a week or two. Swelling may be controlled and lessened by applying cold compress on the surgical site for 20 minutes every hour. Nevertheless, it should to be remembered not to put ice directly on the wound, rather wrap it inside a clean soft plastic bag and wrap it around a clean cloth or towel. Additionally, it best to sleep in an elevated head position to reduce swelling. Patients are advise to rest for 2 to 3 days with head above chest level and with two pillow at bedtime to help decrease swelling.
Throughout the recovery period, it is very best to wear button-down shirts so that it's easier to wear and remove. Wearing shirts that go over the head could only be discomforting and may disrupt sutures or surgical staples and dressing, this may also affect the healing process.
Subsequently, proper wound care ought to be practiced to prevent infection and scarring. Once the sutures are removed, its best to apply topical antibiotic cream to lessen the risk of infection and protect scars from drying out. The patient ought to be as gentle as possible when cleaning the face, avoiding scratching or scrubbing, as this would only hamper the healing procedure.
Lastly, it is crucial to adhere to all post-operative guidelines given by the physician to make sure that there will be an uneventful recovery. However, the recovery period differs from patient to patient. Nevertheless, by following the above mentioned tips, one can speed up the healing and recovery process for a facelift.