Thursday, October 18, 2018

Important Advantages of Getting a Tummy Tuck

It is rather an important need to pamper ourselves after months of slaving
from a high octane work! Added to this are the pressures that our lives
often get entangled to. But first things first!  We need to get abreast
about the safest and newest approaches on aesthetic surgery to find out
which one is the best for you!  A known writer and priest once said, “We
don’t see that of which we do not have concept of.”

Let’s start the ball rolling by familiarizing ourselves with one of the most
commonly administered surgery procedure-- the tummy tuck. This is
defined by the Oxford Reference Dictionary as an aesthetic procedure
which aims to provide a flatter, narrower abdomen by excising skin and
excess fat, generally by using a lower slanting abdominal mark. Put
simply, this surgical procedure, levels out your stomach/ abdomen by
removing wobbly, excess fat and skin and slimming down your muscles thus
making it tighter or firmer within the abdominal wall.

1.Enhanced Level of Confidence. The primary and most important benefit of
a self enhancement procedure similar to tummy tuck is to reinforce the
patient’s confidence and self-esteem by re-establishing a well enhanced
and much proportioned frame.

2. Decrease or curtailment of stretch marks. Very near to the heart of post pregnancy stage is the elimination of stretch marks. And to date, this very unsettling concern
can be medically treated by means of aesthetic surgery.

3. Elimination of floppy skin resulting to an improved body contour or body outline!
Aesthetic surgery has had a lot of amazing advancement and expanded to a number
of modes of self-improvement in recent years that having a bulging tummy
can be just a thing of the past ! A perfect body shape is within our
reach here and now!

4.  A buoyant sense of suiting up daring & fitting clothes.
Suiting up in fashionable clothes is dramatically made real and facilitated
with effortlessness considering you are fabulously renewed!

Overall, a comprehensive abdominoplasty adhere to the steps aforementioned
below. It goes without saying that the procedure is performed under
general anaesthesia.

• Firstly, a cut from hip to hip -- just directly above the pubic area.
• Secondly, a new cut is made to open the tummy button from the neighbouring skin.
•Thirdly, the skin is meticulously separated from the abdominal wall to
facilitate access to the muscles and the fascia to be made firmer.
•Last but not the least, just like any surgical procedure, a dressing is
applied to collect superfluous fluid from the aforementioned area.
The final result is a new you! Give or take a week or two, you should be
posing proud and fittingly poised with a renewed and trimmer body

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Breast Enhancement - Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines

The field of cosmetic plastic surgery is a dynamic branch of medicine which continues to grow through modern innovation, technique and researches; this is because of the endless desire for physical perfection by man. Breast Augmentation for example, is now one of most frequently performed cosmetic plastic procedure in the world. The interest for breast enhancement by patients and surgeons alike, continue to evolve as newer methods with improved result are being develop. At present, more and more women undergo breast augmentation every year as the popularity of the procedure is increasing, especially among women in the entertainment industry.

Silicon shelled implants are commonly used for breast enhancement. This implant could be either silicon gel or saline-filled. The implants are used to augment the breast of an individual that lack breast tissue or volume that could be genetically predisposed or environmentally induced. The female breast tissue is primarily composed of gland and fat cells and in the past, surgeons tried to inject the breast with fat that was initially obtained through liposuction from other parts of the body. However, in this day of modern medicine, this is completely unacceptable and obsolete, with undesirable effects such as hardening of the breast due to calcification, etc.. Some women also do hormonal therapy, since some of the female hormone such as estrogen leads to increase in breast size, slightly, but not enough for the majority of women.

At present, the most common and accepted way to increase breast size is via breast implants placement. A breast implant is a sac of silicone elastomer that is either filled with saline or silicone, and is surgically placed under the breast tissue or chest muscle. Silicon oil injection, which used to be performed in the past for breast augmentation had been condemned locally and internationally, since the result are unpredictable and compounded by numerous complication such as extrusion, skin necrosis and infection. Do not allow yourself to be subjected in this kind of procedure, because of its risks and deforming results.

The selection of breast implant size or volume depends on multiple factors such as the proportion of the breast to body height and shoulder width, as well as the location of nipple/areola complex, and cleavage. And because the concept of breast aesthetics are constantly changing, there are many factors such as implant type, size, and incision site that should be considered to tailor the needs of each individual specifically. The incision for implant placement may be placed at various locations of the chest/breast area such as; under the breast or at the breast fold; around the nipple areolar area; in the armpit (axillary); and the latest, at the umbilical area via endoscopic approach. The resulting scars are thin and inconspicuous, especially at the armpit area. Each of this incision has its advantage and disadvantages that must be discussed thoroughly between the patient and surgeon.

Breast implant could be silicone gel or saline filled. Silicon filled implant was popularly used 12 years ago in the United States, until it was thought that it possibly causes autoimmune mediated health problems associated with leakage, that’s why saline implants is now used in most of breast surgeries. At present, silicone implants are now gaining momentum and recent studies had come out, proving the safe use of silicon breast implant in breast enhancement surgery. The advantage of silicone implant is that it is softer and appears more natural. However, leaks may be found in surrounding tissues. Generally, saline is a bit firmer, but it is without the supposed health risks because a leak is simply absorbed by the body.

The final breast size is mainly a personal decision by the patient. There are several ways to estimate the ultimate breast size. This would include the breast cup size, but this is an inexact estimate of the final size, since cup sizes vary with the bra manufacturer and how tight or loose the patient wears her bra, as well as how much breast tissue is already present. But describing the preferred cup size does aid the surgeon. The most accurate method of estimating the implant size is to fill a plastic bag with measured amounts of water or breast implant sizer that is place in a bra with the patient's estimated cup size. One can see with the bra on and covered by a sweater what the final result will approximate.